Shale Shaker Screen Good Cleaning System from Kosun Manufacturer

Shale Shaker Screen

Shale shaker screen mainly classified into soft sieve screen, sieve plate type screen,and  frame plate type screen .

Any machinery will give its best performance if maintained properly, so a preventive measure is a prerequisite if an operator wants to ensure the long life of the machinery.

While routine services will take place as part of your preventive maintenance, there is something that operators themselves will be able to take care of and be rewarded with even better results. A simple way is to keep the machinery clean.

shale shaker screen
shale shaker screen

In solid control equipment,  shaker screen performs that key job of eliminating the solids through the screen. So it is imperative that they are prone to damage if not kept properly clean and that will naturally increase the overall project cost.
Here are some ways to keep the shaker screen clean and safe:
•    If the shaker has been idle for some time, it is important that the shaker screen be cleaned before the use. To clean the shaker screen , the best way is to use water gun or water hose.
•    Usage of wire brush will actually damage the mesh, so stay clear of brushes in your cleaning process.
•    The shaker screen constantly sieves the waste material and likely to get clogged with waste material and as a result the screen holes will be blinded and hamper the process if filtration. To clean the blinded screen holes, use the water hose from back side. You could consider removing the larger particles manually, but never with a brush or stick, as the mesh of the screen is prone to be torn in the process if you use any of these.
•    Make sure that the screens are not left with the drilling waste i.e. drill cuttings and mud to be dried while in the screen. This will invariably lead to a pre-mature failure of the equipment.
•    Never allow any worn out rubbers to be used in the equipment, this directly lowers the performance of the equipment and damages the  shale shaker screen.
•    Do not allow any other material to be placed over the shaker screens , either in function or in storage.
With these basic cleaning procedures, you could ensure a longer life for the shaker screen.

Hi-G Dryer Shaker of Solids Control Equipment by Kosun Manufacturer

Hi-G Dryer Shaker

Hi-G dryer shaker  is used to recover mud from cuttings to reduce the liquid / oil content in the cuttings to about 10% (w / w) and to recover part of the drilling mud to reduce drilling costs and reduce drilling waste Volume, reduce environmental pollution.  Drying shaker screen for WBM and OBM.

Hi-G dryer shaker is the key component in solids control equipment used in drilling industry. Drilling operations use a borehole technology to penetrate deep beneath the surface to reach the fossil fuel, in this pursuit the mud-loggers first need to do a sampling to ascertain the depth and quality of rock they are penetrating.

H-I G Dryer Shaker
H-I G Dryer Shaker

The drilling bit will carry with itself drilling cuttings, essentially the rock shavings, mixed with drilling mud. The mud-loggers will extract these shavings from the drilling bit for their further analysis. As explained earlier in the article, the drilling fluid is quite expensive so it is imperative for the operators to restore the drilling fluid from the drilling waste . For this purpose various solid control equipments are used, among them a shale shaker is the foremost.

Hi-G dryer shaker with the help of shaker screens helps in separating the drilling cuttings from drilling fluid, and the separated drilling fluid is channeled to a separate container for further processing and treatment. The dried solid, i.e. drilling cuttings are conveyed to a separate container for further treatment and disposal.

One very important factor in the solid control system is its contribution for environmental balance. If a solid control system is not efficient enough, it is likely that the drill cuttings will still carry some amount of drilling fluid that contains chemicals which could be really harmful for the environment and cause contamination of soil or ground water. The drilling industry follows strict rules on drilling waste management  for the sake of environmental impact.

In conclusion, drying shaker’s main function is to filter the drilling waste with the help of an effective shaker screen and as a result help in economy of overall drilling operations and environmental prevention.

Hi-g Drying Shaker Good Performance from Kosun

Hi-g drying shaker

Hi-g drying shaker  is used to recover the slurry from the cuttings to reduce the liquid / oil content in the cuttings to as low as about 10% (w / w) and recover some of the drilling mud so that the drilling costs can be reduced , The amount of drilling waste water can be reduced to reduce environmental pollution. Hi-G dryer shaker  for WBM and OBM.

Hi-g drying shaker is segments of penetrating gear utilized as a part of numerous ventures, for example, coal cleaning, mining, oil and gas boring.

They are the principal period of a solids control framework on a penetrating apparatus, and are utilized to expel extensive solids (cuttings) from the boring liquid.

Hi-G Drying shaker
Hi-G Dryingshaker

Boring liquids are basic to the boring procedure and, among different capacities, serve to grease up and cool the boring tool and also pass on the bored cuttings far from the drag opening. These liquids are a blend of different chemicals in a water or oil based arrangement and can be extremely costly to make.

Hi-g drying shaker are considered, by the greater part of the penetrating business, to be the most critical gadget in the strong control framework as the execution of the progressive gear specifically identifies with the cleanliness of the treated boring liquid.

Mudloggers for the most part go out and check the shakers for shake tests that have circled from base. They isolate the stone from the penetrating liquid and take it into an on location lab where they dry out the examples and name them as per profundity.

They then take a gander at the examples and break down what sort of shake they have at a specific profundity. This aides figures out what profundity that sort of shake was experienced.

Hi-g drying shaker is the essential solids division device on an apparatus. In the wake of coming back to the surface of the well the utilized penetrating liquid streams specifically to the shale shakers where it starts to be handled.

Once prepared by the shale shakers the penetrating liquid is saved into the mud tanks where other strong control hardware start to expel the better solids from it. The solids expelled by the shale shaker are released out of the release port into a different holding tank where they anticipate advance treatment or transfer.

What Are Functions of The Drilling Fluids Dryer Shaker?

Dryer Shaker

Drilling fluids are used while drilling holes on the surface of the earth for oil, natural gas and even for water wells. The different types of drilling fluids that are used are water, water based muds (mixture of water and clay or other chemicals), oil or synthetic oil.

The advantages of using drilling fluids are;
– Due to the continuous use of machines for long time, the machine get heated. These fluids helps in keeping the drilling machine cool.
– As there is continuous contact between the drill pipes and the walls of the holes, heat may be generated due to friction. Drilling fluids, especially oil based fluids provides lubrication to the drill pipes.
– Keeps the machine clean.
– Maintains pressure on formation fluids (naturally occurring fluids).

Dryer Shaker
Dryer Shaker

This drilling fluids are poured inside the hole with different flow rate and pressure. These fluids then collect the cuttings of rocks from the hole and are then forced out of the hole by a pump. This mixture is then passed through a shale shaker.

A shale shaker is an equipment that removes large solids that are mixed with the drilling fluids, drilling waste , so that the fluids can be reused. These shale shakers not only improve the efficiency but also is very important from the cost cutting point of view. The basic parts of a shale shaker are the base of the shaker called Hopper, a feeder where the mixture of fluid and solid is collected, a screen and a vibrator.

Drilling fluids dryer shaker  is a vibrating equipment that uses a Shaker Screen (a mesh like structure supported on a frame) to separate the mixture. The vibratory motion may either be linear, elliptical or circular. The efficiency of a shale shaker also depends upon the vibration speed and the amplitude and frequency of the shale shakers .

The main functions of  drilling fluids dryer shaker is to make the drilling fluids reusable by separating the solids that are mixed with it.

Mixing and Grouting Plants of Kosun Manufacturer

Mixing and Grouting Plants

Mixing and Grouting Plants – KOSUN MA series of mud agitators are part of the drilling fluid solid control equipment, mainly used for mixing and grouting plants drilling mud to prevent the solid particles settling in the circulating tank.

The KOSUN MA Series Mud Mixer is part of the drilling fluid solid control unit and is used primarily for mixing and mixing drilling mud to prevent solid particles from depositing in the circulation tank and stabilizing the performance of the drilling fluid.

Mixing and Grouting Plants
Mixing and Grouting Plants

By the explosion-proof motor, reducer, motor base and blade composition. The motor reducer, reducer and impeller shaft are connected via a steel coupling. Impeller with four blades welded.

Mud Mixer Features and Benefits:

1.Helical gear reducer

2.Explosion-proof motor

3.Power range from 2.2 to 22KW

4. Capable of handling 20 ppg drilling fluid

5. Compact, quiet, smooth and easy to maintain
Kosun Solid Control as a professional manufacturer of soap control equipment, we have designed a large number of high quality products. In order to maintain mud homogeneity and solid suspensions, the slurry agitator can continuously and reliably mix the slurry.

The agitator stirs the mud so that the mud, sediment and sand pass through the solid control system without precipitating at the bottom of the tank. As a single turbine reducer, the product is compact, light weight, transmission balance, low noise, high transmission efficiency, strong stirring. Therefore, it is a reliable product in solid control systems.

Chinese manufacturer Kosun Solid Controls provides drilling mud mixing equipment for the rest of the world. We are exporters of drilling mud slurry mixers in India, Russia, and the Middle East. Our factories and companies are quality management system ISO 9001-2000 certification .

Kosun  solid control operation of international oil and gas drilling mud separation system sales, service, manufacturing, distribution services. Chinese manufacturer’s drilling fluid slurry agitator. Your best mud agitator is used to drill mud circulation system.

Shale Shaker for Sale by Kosun all over the World

Shale Shaker for Sale

Shale Shakers are the integral tools to separate solid from the drill rigs. The drilling fluid moves into the Shale Shakers directly where it is processed once it returns to the surface of the well. Once processed, the mud tanks are filled with the drilling fluid where further other finer solids are removed using other equipments.
Shale Shakers are the primary and integral tools to separate solid from the drill rigs. . They serve as the purification channels for the drill rigs. They remove solids by processing them finely.

shale shaker for sale
shale shaker for Sale

This device is simple in concept, but it is complicated to use efficiently. The solids smaller than the wire mesh pass through the screen. In addition, the larger solids are removed. The whole process can be technically difficult but if followed systematically, it can become an easy task. It consists of five major parts, namely, hopper, feeder, screen basket, basket angling mechanism and vibrator. The shale shaker screen panel consists of Screen mesh, binding agent, building agent and 3D Technology.
In order to maintain a long-lasting life of Shale Shaker, you will need to make sure the parts like wedges, screw cap bolt, and springs on the shale shaker are installed correctly with no signs of fault.
The working efficiency of a Shale Shaker can be improved using minor details.
There are varied causes for premature screen failure, mainly,
1- When personnel use high pressure to clean the equipment, it can adversely affect it.
2- One should be extremely cautious and careful during the installation as improper handling could have a damaging effect upon the machine
3- The deck rubbers used by personnel should always be clean and properly installed.
4- Sometimes, mud weight can also inversely affect the working mechanism.
5- One should be always careful while loading solids, heavier ones can damage the machine
6- Installation should be precise and perfect for a good efficiency.
7- Screen Panels should be carefully handled during the storage.
8- If the screens are not cleaned properly or contain a manufacturing defect, it can ruin the machine.
If right equipments are used at the right places in the device, it could lead to higher efficiency and long lasting life of Shale Shaker.

Kosun shale shaker for sale all over the world and is well recognied by clients because of its high quality and best after sale service.

Shale Shakers and Decanters of Kosun Manufacturer

Shale Shakers

All the industries that operate in natural and non-renewable sources of energy need a Shale Shaker. They can be widely used in oil and gas industries. Drilling and Mining Industries are also in dire need of Shale Shakers. Another industry that makes use of Shale Shakers is a coal cleaning industry. Without the help of Shale Shakers, all these industries could face trouble and huge expenditure incurred in procuring the oil and gases through the tedious and time-consuming processes.

The very first step of drilling begins with a Shale Shaker . The machines operated to separate the solids from the liquid.
The fluids, which are otherwise disposed and considered of no use at all, are wonderful lubricants and cooling agents for the Shale Shaker. The only negative aspect of the fluids is chemicals mixed inside them that would be present in water and oil based solutions irrespective of their unique qualities.

shale shakers
shale shakers

It is a boon for industries of 21st century. Shale Shakers are highly effective, environment friendly, cost effective, and error-free. However, they need only specialized personnel and professionals to work properly. They directly influence and affect the outcome of industries’ profits and losses. It becomes essential to keep them clean for better functioning.

Decantation is a process of separating impurities from a liquid solution. It is quite similar to the process of sedimentation where an insoluble object is immersed in the liquid sample and allowed it to rest for a while. It attracts all the impurities and the water comes out purified and cleaner. A decanter is like a glass or bowl like structure, which performs the sedimentation or decantation, process and aims at purification of the liquids that could be wine, cognac, scotch, or a whiskey. It was a very popular method for storing wines during the earlier times.


Decanters are made using a varied material as such as glass, stainless steel or a crystal. Christina Moueix had once quoted about decanting wines that he had like to decant both young and old wines. He wanted to show respect for old wines and leap of faith in the younger ones.

He believed that decanting old wines is necessary as it removes any deposits that may have accumulated over the years. Decanting wines helped in maintaining the clarity and taste of the wine. The young wines ought to be decanted for at least a few hours as they allow development which otherwise could have taken many years without decantation.

Drilling Fluids Shale Shaker Main Function of Kosun Manufacturer

Drilling Fluids Shale Shaker

Drilling Fluids Shale Shaker that all the industries that operate in natural and non-renewable sources of energy need a Shale Shaker. They can be widely used in oil and gas industries. Drilling and Mining Industries are also in dire need of Shale Shakers. Another industry that makes use of Shale Shakers is a coal cleaning industry.

Without the help of Shale Shakers, all these industries could face trouble and huge expenditure incurred in procuring the oil and gases through the tedious and time-consuming processes. The very first step of drilling begins with a Shale Shaker. The machines operated to separate the solids from the liquid.
The fluids, which are otherwise disposed and considered of no use at all, are wonderful lubricants and cooling agents for the Shale Shaker .

Drilling Fluids Shale Shaker
Drilling Fluids Shale Shaker

The only negative aspect of the fluids is chemicals mixed inside them that would be present in water and oil based solutions irrespective of their unique qualities.
It is a boon for industries of 21st century. Shale Shakers are highly effective, environment friendly, cost effective, and error-free. However, they need only specialized personnel and professionals to work properly.

The functions of the drilling fluids include;
1- It transports cutting to the surface.
2- It minimizes formation damage to an enormous extent.
3- It acts as a cooling force and a source of lubrication.
4- It prevents well-control issues.
5- It provides relevant information about the source.
6- It is easy on environment and does not emit harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.
7- It minimizes the risk to drilling equipment.
8- They work like a boon in high temperatures and hotter climates.
9- It can be re-used repeatedly and has longevity.
10- It reduces the chances of machine failures to a great extent.
Drilling Fluids can be hazardous and handling them requires specialized personnel who can operate and test it daily and continuously monitor it for flaws and errors.

Shale Shaker and Decanter Between Relationship

Shale Shaker

All the industries that operate in natural and non-renewable sources of energy need a Shale Shaker. They can be widely used in oil and gas industries. Drilling and Mining Industries are also in dire need of Shale Shakers. Another industry that makes use of Shale Shakers is a coal cleaning industry. Without the help of Shale Shakers, all these industries could face trouble and huge expenditure incurred in procuring the oil and gases through the tedious and time-consuming processes. The very first step of drilling begins with a Shale Shaker. The machines operated to separate the solids from the liquid.

Shale Shaker
Shale Shaker

The fluids, which are otherwise disposed and considered of no use at all, are wonderful lubricants and cooling agents for the Shale Shaker. The only negative aspect of the fluids is chemicals mixed inside them that would be present in water and oil based solutions irrespective of their unique qualities.

It is a boon for industries of 21st century. Shale Shakers are highly effective, environment friendly, cost effective, and error-free. However, they need only specialized personnel and professionals to work properly. They directly influence and affect the outcome of industries’ profits and losses. It becomes essential to keep them clean for better functioning.

Decantation is a process of separating impurities from a liquid solution. It is quite similar to the process of sedimentation where an insoluble object is immersed in the liquid sample and allowed it to rest for a while. It attracts all the impurities and the water comes out purified and cleaner. A decanter is like a glass or bowl like structure, which performs the sedimentation or decantation, process and aims at purification of the liquids that could be wine, cognac, scotch, or a whiskey. It was a very popular method for storing wines during the earlier times.

Decanters are made using a varied material as such as glass, stainless steel or a crystal. Christina Moueix had once quoted about decanting wines that he had like to decant both young and old wines. He wanted to show respect for old wines and leap of faith in the younger ones.

He believed that decanting old wines is necessary as it removes any deposits that may have accumulated over the years. Decanting wines helped in maintaining the clarity and taste of the wine. The young wines ought to be decanted for at least a few hours as they allow development which otherwise could have taken many years without decantation.

Shale Shaker, Shale Shaker Screen and Shale Shaker Screen Manufacturers

Shale Shaker

Shale Shaker and Shale Shaker Screen provided by Shale Shaker Screen Manufacturers by kosun .

Shale Shaker, all these industries could face trouble and huge expenditure incurred in procuring the oil and gases through the tedious and time-consuming processes. The very first step of drilling begins with a Shale Shaker. The machines operated to separate the solids from the liquid.

shale shaker
shale shaker

Shale Shakers are highly effective, environment friendly, cost effective, and error-free. However, they need only specialized personnel and professionals to     work properly. They directly influence and affect the outcome of industries’ profits and losses. It becomes essential to keep them clean for better functioning.

Shale shaker screen

Shale shaker screen sizes and shape are based on shale shaker manufacturing and model.Rectangular heavy-duty vibrating screens are mainly used for heavy-duty solid cuttings collected in oilfield drilling.

Shale Shaker Screen
Shale Shaker Screen

The fluids, which are otherwise disposed and considered of no use at all, are wonderful lubricants and cooling agents for the Shale Shaker. The only negative aspect of the fluids is chemicals mixed inside them that would be present in water and oil based solutions irrespective of their unique qualities.
It is a boon for industries of 21st century.

Shale Shaker Screen Manufacturers

Shale Shaker Screens manufacturer-Kosun have offered clients all over the world as the Kosun shale shaker screen, Derrick Shaker Screens, Mi SWACO Shaker Screens and Brandt Shaker Screens replacement….

Shale Shaker Screen manufacturers
Shale Shaker Screen manufacturers

Shale shaker, shale shaker screen and shale shaker screen manufacturers with more than 20 years experience.

Kosun will integrate the global resources, set foot on the Chinese market, provide all-round and one-stop oil drilling fluid solid control products and waste treatment products, solutions and a high degree of responsibility and sustainable innovation in the spirit of the service, to maximize the staff, And shareholders, and customer satisfaction for the pursuit of Kosun people.

KOSUN will wholeheartedly serve the customers at home and abroad with abundant technological strength and perfect after-sales service system. KOSUN is looking forward to negotiation and cooperation with you!