According to the discharge mode is divided into:Scraper discharge centrifuge (indirect process, automatic operation)
- Scraper discharge centrifuge (indirect process, automatic operation)
- Piston pushing centrifuge (continuous process version, automatic operation)
- Screw discharge centrifuge (continuous process, automatic operation)
- Centrifugal discharge centrifuge (continuous process, automatic operation)
- Vibration discharge centrifuge (continuous process, automatic operation)
- Shaking discharge centrifuge (continuous process, automatic operation)
According to the purpose of the process is divided into:Filtration centrifuge, sedimentation centrifuge
According to the way of installation is divided into:Vertical, horizontal, inclined, overhanging and triped

Kosun’s centrifuge also named “Decanter centrifuge”, is used in separating suspension of solids phase with particle ≥2μm in diameter, and can be used at Environmental Protection Industry, Chemical Industry, Food Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry,and many other related industries, and can the replacement of GEA westfalia centrifuges or Alfa Laval centrifuge.